Enhancement of Circle to Search Access on Google Pixel Tablet with Android 15 Beta 3

3 min read

Google is set to enhance user experience on larger screen devices like tablets with the introduction of its Circle to Search feature on Android 15. This update, known as Android 15 Beta 3, was recently rolled out, bringing significant improvements aimed at making visual lookup more accessible and intuitive, especially on the Google Pixel Tablet.

Enhancement of Circle to Search Access on Google Pixel Tablet with Android 15 Beta 3


Android 15 introduces an easier way for users to utilize Google’s Circle to Search feature on tablets. Initially launched with the Samsung Galaxy S24 series, Circle to Search has now expanded to more Android devices, including tablets. With the latest beta update, Google has integrated support for Circle to Search through the Action Key specifically tailored for the Google Pixel Tablet.

Taskbar Customization Options

According to reports from Android Authority, Android 15 Beta 3 introduces new taskbar customization options for Pixel Tablet users. Users can opt for either transient or persistent taskbar styles. The persistent style facilitates direct access to Circle to Search, enhancing usability and convenience.

Activation Methods

Previously, invoking Circle to Search required users to tap and hold the navigation pane. With the Android 15 Beta 3 update, a new method involves swiping up on the persistent-style taskbar, triggering a pop-up notification that guides users to “Touch and hold the action key to search what’s on your screen.” Additionally, the transient-style taskbar also supports activation of Circle to Search, providing flexibility in user interaction.

Features and future developments

Google is actively developing further enhancements for Circle to Search beyond Android 15 Beta 3. One notable feature in development is the ability to activate Circle to Search while using split-screen mode, enhancing multitasking capabilities on tablets. This feature is currently being tested within the Pixel Launcher beta app, showcasing Google’s commitment to improving user experience continuously.

Other new Features

Recent APK teardowns of Google beta app versions suggest upcoming features for Circle to Search. These include text-to-speech capabilities, potentially allowing the feature to read content aloud. Moreover, features like ‘Listen’ and ‘Select All’, borrowed from Google Lens, may soon be integrated into Circle to Search. ‘Listen’ will read highlighted text aloud, while ‘Select All’ will allow users to highlight text visible in images or the camera viewfinder, enhancing usability and accessibility.


With Android 15 Beta 3, Google aims to streamline the user experience on tablets by enhancing Circle to Search accessibility and functionality. The integration of new taskbar styles and upcoming features underscores Google’s commitment to innovation in visual lookup technology, promising more intuitive and efficient interactions for Pixel Tablet users. Stay tuned for further updates as Google continues to refine Circle to Search and expand its capabilities across Android devices.

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